Axle's Secret Read online

Page 18

  I spin and find Axle’s mom and dad approaching me.


  Jill opens her arms to me. I hug her tightly. She sobs. “I’m so scared. My baby boy, my son.”

  “He’ll be alright,” Greg says in that deep, reassuring voice. Despite his words, there are lines between his thick grey brows and a frown plays on his face.

  Kolby holds himself and shivers. “I should have gotten there earlier. If I had, none of this would have happened.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  I bite on my lip. I’m battling my own guilt about this. If I hadn’t listened to Axle, if I’d come along even when he told me not to, would he be up and walking right now instead of in the hospital?

  I shake the thought. Axle wouldn’t want either of us to blame ourselves.

  “Kolby,” I step toward the teenager, “what happened out there?”

  He glances at the wall as if seeing the events play out in front of his face. “Seb was waiting outside my school when practice was done. He called me over, said he would tell me what happened with Diandre. So I… I got in his car.”

  I place a hand on the teenager’s back, silently encouraging him to go on.

  “Then we drove to Green Lake, but Seb was acting weird. He told me to wait in the car. Then he got out and made a call. It didn’t feel right so I tried to get out. That’s when I realized he’d locked me in. I was going to call my parents, but then I saw Axle’s car speeding toward us. I knew he was in danger.”

  “How did you get out of the car?”

  “I busted the window with my foot. Then I ran like crazy. When I got to the pier, Seb was waving a gun at Axle and then he shot him. I saw when Axle went in. I jumped after him, but he’d been down there awhile and he was bleeding real bad.”

  “What about Seb?”

  “When I pulled Axle out of the lake, he was gone. The police showed up soon after. The detective promised that Seb wouldn’t get away with this.”

  I clutch my hands together. “I hope they keep that promise.”

  But I hope Axle wakes up even more.

  It’s my second time biting my nails and pacing in a hospital waiting room. The minutes crawl by. No one talks much while we wait for Axle to get out surgery.

  At last the doctor arrives. Axle is on a gurney, surrounded by nurses. He looks pale and a little out of it. There’s gauze wrapped around his upper arm, but at least he’s alive.

  My gaze thirstily rakes his pale cheeks, his strong brows, and his plump lips. If his parents and brother weren’t here, I’d bend over and kiss him until he bruised.

  He gazes at me, his eyes exhausted but his lips arched up in a smile. “Hey.”


  Jill surges toward her son, demanding his attention. “Thank God, you’re up. I thought… I was so scared.”

  “Thank God, indeed,” the doctor says. “The bullet just clipped his arm and didn’t cause any nerve damage. We’re still keeping him overnight to observe, but he should be fine in a couple days.”

  Tears course down my cheeks. I almost lost Axle tonight. It’s overwhelming to imagine.

  “Hey,” he croaks, “don’t cry.”

  I try to stop the tears, but they slip out anyway.

  “We’ll take him to the Recovery Ward. You can visit there.”

  We all trail behind him and then wait outside while they get Axle situated in his room. I know I’m not an immediate family member and, now that I know he’s safe, I should probably go home.

  But I play the fool and park myself right there in the hospital room. Thankfully, Jill and Greg don’t act like my presence is an intrusion.

  Because of his meds, Axle dozes in spurts. Greg takes Kolby home to rest while Jill and I remain with him overnight.

  After a while, Jill falls into the cot and sleeps, but I remain perched on the chair pulled close to Axle’s bed, watching over him. The soft light tiptoes across his handsome face. His chest moves up and down. The heart monitor beeps a steady rhythm.

  Suddenly, Axle opens his eyes.

  I straighten, twisting around to call for the doctor.

  “I’m okay,” he says, squirming around on the pillows.

  I reach out to him. “Stop it. You’ll irritate your wound.”

  “My head feels groggy.”

  “Getting shot and almost drowning will do that.”

  He smirks and then grimaces. “Don’t make me laugh. It hurts.”


  He gazes at me. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “You’re loopy on pain meds. I shot out of my house in my shorts with my hair wild and no makeup on.”

  Axle scoots closer to me, wincing with every movement. “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “I promised I’d spend the rest of my life making you smile but… that almost turned out to be for a short time.”

  “Do you think that’s funny?”

  His smile drops. “No?”

  I glare at him. “I lost my brother. I almost lost my mother. You put me through all of that and you’re making jokes? How could you go after Seb on your own?”

  “Hey.” He caresses my chin with his uninjured hand. “I’m fine.”

  His mom snores in the background.

  I lower my voice but it still comes out heated when I say, “You were shot.”

  “Now I can scratch that off my bucket list.”

  “That’s it. I’m leaving.” I start to rise but Axle shoots out a hand and tugs me back to my seat.

  He brushes his thumb along the back of my hand. “I told you I’d stop running. How could I leave you?”

  My anger slips away and I let his reassurances soothe my emotional wounds. With everything that has happened, I don’t want to be mad at him. Life is so precious. Any of us can lose it in a second.

  “What about Seb?” Axle asks quietly.

  “He got away.”

  Axle frowns. “What if he tries to come after you this time?” He squints and moves to get up. “I need to find him.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” I lean over Axle and forcefully push him back. “Not as long as I’m here.”

  He studies me, his eyes glinting.

  I interpret the expression and shake my head. “No.”

  “I didn’t even say anything.”

  I half-laughed as I whispered, “I’m not going to kiss you with your mother right there.”

  “She’s sleeping. She won’t even know.”

  “It’s too weird.”

  He pushes out his bottom lip. “But I got shot.”

  “That’s your own fault for trying to play the hero.”

  “Come on.”

  “I have to punish you somehow.”

  Axle chuckles and then bowls over from the pain. I flinch, wishing I could help him. For now, I tuck him back into bed and rub his head until he falls asleep.

  Feeling the pull of drowsiness myself, I yawn. My heart thrums with peace. I fold my arms on the bed and lean against them, tumbling into slumber right beside him.



  The next day, I leave the hospital. Ember, my mom and the doctor all cry against it, but I can’t lie on my back while Seb’s still out there. Now that he’s kidnapped my brother and shot me, my interest in his capture has doubled.

  Since I can’t drive, however, I’m at Ember’s mercy.


  “But, Em, I wanna take him down.”

  “So? Let the police handle it. You have an appointment with your bed. It’s bad enough that you decided to leave the hospital, now you wanna run around town too? You’re not a superhero.”

  “But I thought I was your hero.”

  “Be serious.” She gives me a stern look. “Yesterday, you got shot.”

  “It was just a graze.”

  “I’ll graze your face.”

  I lean back. “When you talk like that, you remind me of Bee.”

  “Maybe I should call her to
keep your behind in check.”

  I laugh, but pain slices through me and I cut the chuckle short. “Fine.”


  I turn to her, admiring her beautiful brown skin and that curly hair. She slept beside me all night and didn’t have a chance to do her hair or makeup, but she’s still so gorgeous to me. It’s incredible. She’s incredible.


  “You won’t believe me if I tell you.”

  She smirks, her eyes moving from my face to my sling. “Fine, if you want to do something other than rest, how about we head to the precinct with our evidence? The police are looking for Seb because he trashed Maribella’s place. They should know the whole story. I want him to pay for what he did to Diandre.”

  Ember and I drive to the police station. We fill out the forms and talk to the detective in charge of finding Seb. He accepts our accounts and asks probing questions. I’m nervous, but I sense that he believes us.

  Seb’s recording is rather convincing too.

  “One more thing, Detective,” Ember says. “Is Axle… okay?”

  The tall, bearded veteran blinks at me. “Will you testify as a witness?”

  “Of course. It might not do any good but I’ll cooperate with everything you ask.”

  He nods. “Then that’s good enough. You didn’t actively plan to hurt Mr. Johnson nor did you participate in the act itself. Though it would have been better if you’d come forward, there are extenuating circumstances that protect you as a witness.”

  Ember lets out a breath of relief.

  Footsteps echo in the distance and a young officer bursts into our cubicle. His face is puffy and his chest heaves. Excitement glints in his eyes. “Sir, we found him.”

  “Found who?”

  “Sebastian Trent.”

  Ember, the detective, and I shoot to our feet.

  My arm cries out in agony, protesting the sudden movement.


  “Our team stationed at his mansion found him trying to sneak in. They think he was getting his passport to run out of the country. They’re en route with the suspect as we speak.”

  We rush outside just as three officers drag a bucking and screaming Seb into the station. He looks awful. His shirt is torn and soiled with mud. His black hair clumps together. A crazy sheen glints in his eyes.

  Eyes that suddenly lock on me.

  I nod once in acknowledgement.

  Fury sweeps through his gaze and he sneers. “Is this what you wanted? Huh? You think I’ll let this rest? We made a promise, Axle!”

  Ember’s fingers clamp on my arm, holding me back.

  I lift my chin. “I’m done covering for you, Seb. It’s time we all face the consequences of our actions.”

  His eyes glitter with deadly intent. “I’m going to get out of this and when I do… I’m coming for you. I’m coming for you and everyone you love.”

  “That’s enough.” The officer shoves Seb deeper into the precinct.

  “I’ll see you in court,” I mutter.

  “That was… intense,” Ember says from beside me.


  The detective turns to us and shakes my good hand. “We’ll be in touch. You said there was another boy there that night? Corey? Is he the same Corey that’s the son of the police chief?”


  “We’ll get in touch with him too.”

  “Thank you, Detective.”

  Dismissed, we walk into the sunshine and climb into the car.

  Ember leans her head back. “So… it’s really over now.”

  “It’s over.”

  “Let’s go home.”

  “Before that,” I touch her hand, “let’s make one more stop.”

  Twenty minutes later, Ember and I walk toward Green Lake. The sun shimmers in the water’s emerald depths. The trees crouch around it like expectant mothers. With every step, stones crunch below my shoes.

  I wrap an arm around Ember’s shoulders and pull her close. “You know, yesterday when I got shot, I thought I saw Diandre coming to my rescue. I know now that it was Kolby, but it reminded me of that night. I can’t help thinking that I should have done more to help him back then. I never apologized for screwing up and breaking my promise to him.”

  “Well,” Ember squints against the sunlight, “you can do that now.”

  I face Green Lake, recalling every detail of the night that changed everything. The scars that prank and Diandre’s death left on me, on Ember, on Maribella, they’ll always remind us of how stupid teenagers are. Of how precious and fragile life can be.

  As Ember’s hair whips in the wind, she squeezes my side, silently offering courage, comfort, whatever I need.

  I take a deep breath. “Diandre, I never apologized, man.” I pause. Inhale a deep breath. “I’m sorry. And I’ll take care of Ember. I promise.”

  “It’s okay.” She presses a kiss to my jaw, her eyes fluttering closed. “Everything’s okay now.”

  With one last look at the lake, I hold Ember’s hand and head home.



  Sunlight pours through the quaking tree leaves in the park. I sit beneath the shade and sketch quietly, inhaling the sweet summer air. Here, amidst all the greenery and sunshine, feels like home. Inspired, my fingers move faster.

  Suddenly, a shadow casts over my sketchpad. My head whips up, eyebrow scrunched and lips poised to tell the creep off.

  Only this isn’t a creep.

  It’s my boyfriend. And though he’s slightly questionable with that smirk on his face and admiration glinting in his eyes, his attention is welcome. Necessary, actually. We’ve been spending so much time together these past few months, I’m unable to imagine my life without Axle in it.

  He takes the seat beside me. “What’s that?”

  I blink once. Twice. Completely undone by his presence. He’s just so darn stunning. My fingers twitch, desperate to feel the softness of his hair, the roughness of his jaw, the hard planes of his chest.

  “Uh,” I swallow and adjust the book so he can see, “it’s a sketch.”

  “Of the tree?”


  “It’s interesting.”


  He leans over, invading my personal space. “Don’t look now, but there’s a weird guy staring at you in the next bench.”

  I laugh. “That’s Kolby. And I’ll tell him you said that.”

  “Hey, bro!” Kolby yells. “Get out of the way, you’re ruining my view.”

  “Back off. I’m the only one who gets to admire this view.”

  Kolby snorts. “You’re so cheesy. Don’t you have clients to run after or bills to pay?”

  I grin. Axle’s moved to town and opened his own marketing firm. I’m not sure how much business he expects to drum up from the locals, but at least he’s here, growing roots.

  I know Jill’s ecstatic.

  “Are you almost done?” I ask Kolby.

  “Why? You uncomfortable? You want some water? Snacks?”

  “No, it’s just—”

  Kolby whines. “Axle, why’d you have to come and interrupt our date?”

  “Date?” Axle coughs.

  “He’s just kidding.”

  “I hope so. I’d hate to fight my own brother.”

  “You’d lose,” Kolby says confidently, swaggering over to us. “Alright. Here. What do you think?” He thrusts a sketchpad before me.

  My gaze traces the pencil dust coating his dark thumb and fingernails before I stare at the drawing of me. It’s like staring at a mirror except—“Whoa. It’s… gorgeous. Outstanding.” I scrunch my nose. “But you didn’t draw the eyes.”

  “Yeah, why didn’t you?”

  Kolby stoops before me. He’s too big to fit into the bench with me and Axle now that that he’s a young man. “Because I want to get them right. And until I do, you’ve got to keep meeting me and letting me study you.”

  “What kind of explanatio
n is that? You just want an excuse to stare into my woman’s eyes.”

  I nudge Axle in the side. “I’m flattered, Kolby. We can wait as long as you need before you complete it.”

  “That was smooth,” Axle grumbles. “I’ll give you that.”

  Kolby grins, his dark eyes brightening. He might be seventeen, but the sun is still shining from his eyes. “If you’re impressed, how about paying for ice cream. If you can afford it, that is.”

  “Very funny.” Axle stands and holds his hand out to me.

  I take it and enjoy the feel of his fingers clasping around mine.

  That hand, this man… no matter where life takes us or how crazy things get, I’m never letting either one go.


  A Word From The Author

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  Other Books by this Author

  The Taming Series

  Taming Mr. Jerkface

  Taming Mr. Charming

  Taming Mr. Know-it-all

  Taming Mr. Darcy

  The Seven Realms Series



  The Tree of Knowledge (coming soon)

  Love & Reggae

  Amid the Noise

  Count Me In

  Buffalo Soldier

  Confessions of A Church Girl

  Glass Houses

  Fitting In

  Standing Out


  Whiter Than Snow